This section is dedicated to stories and books which, just like Harry Potter contain spiritual symbolism. Here you can find articles, links and book reviews which discuss this symbolism for the sake of comparison to Harry Potter.
Stories we have in mind include Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, the legends of the Holy Grail and King Arthur, The Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, the Greek legends, Grimm's fairy tales, sacred scriptures from all the world religions, and any other writings which fit into this category.
The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross
Alchemical Wedding background information
Tales and Parables
Stories often contain a deep spiritual wisdom and really make you think.
The Angel of the West Window
The Book of Mirdad
The Corpus Hermeticum
The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
The Gospel of Thomas
The Hymn of Judas Thomas the Apostle
The Nine Books of King David
Lord of the Rings
The Magical Worlds of Lord of the Rings
The Little White Horse
The Matrix
Tao Teh Ching

The Chinese Gnosis by Catharose de Petri, J. van Rijckenborgh
The text of the first 33 chapters and a commentary
The Secret Doctrine
The Voice of the Silence