Books on Spiritual Content in Harry Potter
Quite a few books have been written about Harry Potter and the spiritual content of the story. Provided here is a list of such books with reviews by members of our forum.
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In the light of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross
By Hans Andréa.
Published on November 5th, 2020.

Jesus Potter Harry Christ uses the similarities between Jesus and Harry to re-open the debate over the historical Jesus, arguing that both Harry and Jesus are spiritual metaphors told in the literary form of historical fiction. With hundreds of footnotes and references from both ancient mythology and modern culture, Jesus Potter Harry Christ is a fresh and arresting account of Christian history that is not predicated on the flesh and bones of a historical founder. From ancient mystery religions to modern fairy tales, from fictional Hogwarts to the ruins of Jerusalem, Derek Murphy, PhD in Comparative Literature at one of the world's top universities, zooms in on one crucial question: How do we separate the obviously mythical literature of Jesus Christ from the historical man himself?
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Harry Potter Power uses motifs and situations from the popular Harry Potter series and links them to theories and strategies designed to help young people overcome anxiety, anger, depression and grief. It combines a fun and innovative use of well-known Harry Potter icons with more serious advice, reflection material and activities to help young people apply this perspective. Practical, thought-provoking and with strong relevance to real world issues, Harry Potter Power is an ideal tool to help young people develop resilience and self-esteem.
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The Seeker's Guide to Harry Potter offers 'seekers' of all kinds profound and fascinating insights into the narrative themes, symbols and mythic elements encountered in the Harry Potter books. Drawing from diverse spiritual and scholarly sources, it is an open-minded guide to the rich layers of meaning and symbolism we encounter ...

The Seeker's Guide to Harry Potter takes you on a journey and exploration into the underlying themes of J. K. Rowling's fantastically successful Harry Potter series. Drawing from her unique background and personal experiences, the author provides original insights into the mysticism, magic, and symbolism within the world of Harry Potter. ...

Don't let the title put you off! This book is not just for Christians, its much too good for that. Its for anyone who has read the Harry Potter books, anyone whose children have read them and for anyone who is intrigued by the phenomenal success of ...
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If you are one of the many adult fans of J.K. Rowling's books I am sure that you would find The Hidden Key to be a fascinating read. I would also highly recommend this book to you if you have no intention whatever of reading the Harry Potter series but ...

DO YOU KNOW that there are Jewish perspectives on mudbloods, owl post, ghosts, magic wands, the rights of magical creatures, and avada kedavra?

In 'What's a Christian to do with Harry Potter' Connie Neal is critical of the more ill-informed type of Christian response to the Harry Potter books, but in an oddly apologetic way. She points out that the Harry haters and book burners have been ...

Francis Bridger introduces himself as the principal of an Anglican theological college, a teacher of ethics, and a grandfather, and then goes on to apply his knowledge and experience to...

A very careful weighing up of the pro- and anti-Harry arguments going on in the Christian community which fails to come to any clear conclusions and so ends up being somewhat bland.

After reading many disappointing books on the subject of Harry Potter from a Christian perspective Plyming came as a breath of fresh air. Here is someone who manages to combine belief with a sense of humour and a lively ...

I should begin by saying that I find Abanes argument that Rowling has deliberately set out to lure children into the occult patently absurd, and so it is difficult for me to find anything very ...

I did enjoy parts of this book very much. I'm afraid, though, that it was often for the wrong reasons. At times I suspected that it was an elaborate and extended send-up of academic squabbling over literature. I'm still not quite sure, but I think it is serious...
The Following books have not yet been reviewed.
We welcome reviews for these books. Click here to submit a book review.

The Literary Magic of Harry Potter.
Read an interview with the author »

The Great Books behind the Hogwarts Adventures.

A study of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling and her influences.

The Meaning Behind the Mania for J. K. Rowling's Bestselling Books

The Deathly Hallows Lectures: The Hogwarts Professor Explains the Final Harry Potter Adventure

"...reassuring in its analysis of the moral core of the series. Even parents who do not care to read the Potter books, but would like to know what they are about, will find that the author's analysis can help them discuss the book's moral choices and themes with their children."

A Catholic Family Guide to Harry Potter

Literary alchemy and postmodernism in Harry Potter

An exploration of more than 50 themes in Harry Potter and their relationship to the Christian gospel

Biblical themes in the Harry Potter stories.
Includes comment on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (book five).

You don't need a diploma in arithmancy, the friendship of a hippogriff, or even a Hogwarts Library card to discover amazing and arcane secrets in the labyrinthine world of Harry Potter.