Harry Potter and Torah
by Dov Krulwich

DO YOU KNOW that there are Jewish Perspectives on mudbloods, owl posts, and adava kadevra?
DO YOU KNOW that there are a dozen Biblical examples of magic wands, and Kabbalistic explanations of how they work?
DO YOU KNOW that Jewish law discusses the welfare of magical creatures?
HARRY POTTER AND TORAH combs Torah literature for explanations of these and other themes from the Harry Potter series.
Based fully on traditional Jewish teachings, from Talmud and Midrash to Jewish law and the Chassidic masters, HARRY POTTER AND TORAH will touch the soul of Harry Potter fans of all ages.
Dov (Bruce) Krulwich lives in Israel and works in technology. He has pledged (without a Torah oath) to donate 10% of his proceeds from sales of this book to schools in Israel that educate children of English speaking families.
Visit http://www.harrypottertorah.com/ for more information »