The Alchemy of JK Rowling
In the light of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross
by Hans Andréa
Chapter 25 - Sirius (2)
When we think, we form small astral clouds around our head, and these thought-forms drift around our body in an anticlockwise circulation, from the head down to the upper abdomen, through the spleen and liver, and out the other side, up again.
This is the normal state of affairs in every human being. In addition
to these thought-forms there is an influence in many people which
turns them into a seeker. That is the Thought-spark or seed of the
original spirit. It is symbolised by Lily in Harry Potter. If the lily is
closed up in its petals there’s no influence to change our way of
thinking. However through various causes, the lily in the heart
can begin to open one petal, so to speak. Such a person begins to
suspect that the purpose of life is not just eating, sleeping, sex and
entertainment. He/she begins to search for the purpose of life. The
seeker is born.
Obviously this influences the seeker’s thoughts. And equally
obviously a new thought-form is produced that corresponds
with the seeking pattern. In the beginning this thought-form is
very vague and indistinct and hence powerless. But after a lot of
experimentation the seeker will discover that liberation is the
purpose of life, and that this can be achieved only by giving up the
self-interest. The thought-form now begins to take on a clear shape
and begins to radiate power. Sirius Black is born.
This thought-form does not circulate, however! It stands still in front
of the seeker, shining like a bright morning star. And, as I mentioned
last time, there is a corresponding light in the sixth auric ring of the
Paul was aware of this and mentions it in the First Letter to the
Corinthians. Chapter 15 verse 49: Just as we have borne the image
of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.
Sirius is the personification of the thought-image of the heavenly
human being.
I mentioned previously that a seed contains a germ, energy, and a
plan. When the divine spark in the heart begins to vibrate, or catches
fire as we say mystically, the ‘plan’ which the Divine Spirit created all
those millions of years ago begins to project itself in the aura of the
human being. Initially this projection of the plan is lifeless, but as the
new soul grows it begins to become conscious. It takes on its role of
giving instructions to the new soul so that it knows what to do, how
to grow up as intended by God.
Chapter 24, Peter Pettigrew, explains that Peter – alias Scabbers –
personifies the ego, situated in the upper abdomen, around the
solar plexus, the spleen and the liver. The thought-forms circulate
through the ego.
The ego is behind all our thoughts and desires. In fact we could say
it is the master of our desire body, our astral body. Our thoughts
obviously stem from our desires. Our desires feed our thoughts and
our thoughts feed our desires. Until Harry is born.
Have a look at such a person’s situation. The lily has begun to open.
A bright silvery stag stands next to the lily and hopes fervently for
a child. Sirius is in the seeker’s firmament and gives bright solace
and hope. The microcosmic self is the boss and Scabbers is his
servant, though Lily and James don’t know it. Then Lily gives birth
to a beautiful baby. This is the baby that has been prophesied to
kill the overlord, Voldemort. Sirius is immediately made God-Father
because he is Harry’s pattern, his example, his mentor and loving
Voldemort feels the pain of Harry’s presence and tries to rid his
world of the trouble makers. He kills James and Lily, but the love in
Lily is so great that Harry is unharmed. However the microcosmic self
is greatly reduced in power. Harry has to live in the cold, unmagical
world that does not recognise his greatness. The new soul has to
learn to live in the everyday world removed from God. As explained
in Chapter 23, the ego has deceived the seeker into imprisoning the
thought-form of the heavenly man. Sirius is imprisoned in all sorts
of egocentric spiritual and religious pursuits. He grows weaker and
But the new soul grows and Sirius manages to escape. He is able
to expel the ego which escapes to its creator, the microcosmic self.
Just like a normal thought-form he circulates through the solar
plexus, but instead of boosting the ego, which normal thoughts do,
he drives it out.
However Dementors, or rulers of the eons as Pistis Sophia calls them,
try to suck the life out of both the new soul and the thought-form.
The new soul is able to drive them away because of the powerful
longing he has for liberation.
Forces all around Harry are trying to stop him growing to maturity
and living with Sirius. Together Harry and Sirius are destined to
become the new rulers of the microcosm. Such a new human being
is extremely powerful in goodness, truth and justice, something
which the established order doesn’t want.
Buckbeak, symbolising the liberating Christ radiations from the
Brotherhood ofthe Masters ofCompassion, is ready to be sacrificed.
Sirius has been captured by Snape, the dark side of the personality.
Things suddenly look very grim. However the new, divine soul,
Harry, surrenders to the Christ radiations which immediately lift
the soul up to great new spiritual heights. The mental image of the
heavenly man is also lifted up by the redeeming Christ-rays and is
set free to guide, inspire and encourage the new soul.