A Rebirth for Christianity
by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

Alvin Boyd Kuhn�s A Rebirth for Christianity has been a leader in the great shift in thought following the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other Gnostic texts. �The prophecy implicit in Kuhn�s title has come true,� says scholar Stephan Hoeller in his foreword to this new edition. �What Elaine Pagels aptly called �Alternative� Christianity has indeed been reborn.� Kuhn challenges orthodox interpretations of the Bible to restore what he believes is the true Christian message. We must learn, he says, to view Jesus� life allegorically instead of historically and to find behind the myths and symbols the mystical teachings they embody. In essence, he shows how the story of Jesus contains the key to knowing the Divine here and now. The spiritual vision Kuhn thus revives has immense transformative power: What we discover is the inner Christ � ever-present and ever-renewing.
Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Ph.D., (1880-1963), a scholar of comparative religion, also wrote such groundbreaking titles as the Lost Key to the Scriptures. This book, his last, is considered his masterpiece.
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