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The Alchemy of JK Rowling

In the light of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross

by Hans Andréa


Chapter 15 - Harry 11

The Prisoner of Azkaban (1)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is very clearly the struggle of the New Soul to break the chain to the astral plane of the wrathful universe, the world of Lucifer.

The astral plane is the plane of emotions and desires. Every plane has its own atoms and forces, and the atoms of the astral plane are a bit like sparks of fire of different colours. They are imperceptible to the ordinary five senses, but they can be perceived by our ‘sixth sense’, by our ‘feelings’. These atoms can pass through physical atoms and can move very much faster than them. All creatures with an active consciousness have an astral* field around them, which is often called the astral body or desire body.

Astral atoms are moved by a force we call desire or emotion. When we desire something, we create a force which attracts astral atoms of a certain vibration. For example if we have a strong desire for money we will attract atoms which correspond in vibration rate to that desire. If we strongly desire to help other people, this creates a force which attracts astral atoms of a much higher vibration. A clairvoyant person can see these atoms rushing in and out of our astral body, as each vibration radiates a different colour. With one glance people who have this sight can see what sort of a person they are looking at. A spiritual person will have a lovely light blue radiance; an intellectual person a bright yellow one. People with base, selfish desires and emotions will have very muddy, dark colours. A person suffering from depression will have an impenetrable grey cloud around him. A person with a New Soul, symbolised by Harry Potter, will have a breathtakingly beautiful golden aura. Harry has a lot of gold! Another extremely important property of astral atoms is that when a mental image is projected into them, they take on the form of that image. To understand this very clearly, think about the Defence against the Dark Arts classes dealing with the boggart. These lessons are perfect for understanding life in the astral plane. Lupin tells his students to concentrate on a form which makes the boggart look ridiculous. That’s exactly what happens on the astral plane. If you project a powerful mental image accompanied by a strong emotion or desire, you will create an astral form just like your mental image.

When we lose our physical body and our etheric body through death, we go on living for a few years in our astral body. This means the astral plane becomes open to us and we can travel throughout its many sub-planes, except that we can’t enter planes which are higher in vibration than our own personal key vibration. Obviously people with a low key vibration will have a rather unpleasant time while those with very spiritual vibrations will live in a land of light, happiness and spiritual companionship. The stories about hell and heaven are based on this, and the 1998 film, What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams, is an excellent representation of life in the astral plane.

Once a person is conscious in the astral plane (he doesn’t have to be dead though) he can also learn to change his appearance. Once again, by intense concentration on a mental image, accompanied by a strong desire, a person can change his astral field to resemble anything he likes. J.K. Rowling demonstrates this by her description of the animagi. They have learnt to adopt the forms of animals. Transfiguration lessons are exactly the same sort of thing. In the astral plane you can change a teacup into a turtle.

J.K. is also very careful about what she tells her young readers about the astral world. For example crystal gazing is extremely dangerous for the astral body, and, as we know, she ridicules this practice. Harry, the pure New Soul born to the seeker who is thirsting for God, sees nothing in the crystal ball! Another indication of how Harry Potter is NOT OCCULT!

To sum up: Part 3 is about emotions. It begins by describing how Harry loses control of his emotions when his aunt tries to desecrate the memory of his parents, and ends with Harry’s supernal triumph over his emotions.

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