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The Alchemy of JK Rowling

In the light of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross

by Hans Andréa


Chapter 14 - Harry 10

The Chamber of Secrets (2)

One of the most overwhelming pieces of evidence that Harry Potter is NOT occult, is the defeat of the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. We all have this chamber, for it is the sacral (=sacred) plexus at the bottom of the spine. This chamber certainly has a powerful and magic serpent, namely the kundalini, the root-force of our existence as fallen, mortal human beings. This serpent is extremely ancient, and was put in the ‘castle’, i.e. our microcosm, from the beginning of its sojourn in this universe of time and space. The root-force it represents contains our entire karma, and links us to world-karma. It also contains our sexual force.

It is possible through occult exercises, which require extreme concentration, unyielding will-power and fearless dedication, to drive this force up along the spinal column. On its way up it will influence the chakras. It can rise up right into the crown chakra, linked to the pineal gland. If this succeeds, the person is linked directly to the root-force of the cosmos, i.e. the central astral fire of our earth. This fire is called Lucifer. It is obvious to me that Salazar Slytherin personifies this force. The result of such a unification with Lucifer is that the successful occultist achieves immense occult powers. He has the sort of powers that are ascribed to Voldemort, for example Legilimens and Occlumency. There are also clairvoyance, clairaudience, and a willpower that bears no resistance (except Harry’s!). But the greatest achievement of all is that the occultist is for the time being detached from the wheel of reincarnation. This is another reason why Voldemort keeps talking about immortality. Such a course of developmentleads into the exact opposite direction to the one leading to Christ. In addition it is extremely dangerous and perhaps one occultist in ten thousand succeeds. Failure can have extremely unpleasant circumstances lasting for several incarnations, for example uncontrollable erotic desires. However the essential thing is that it crystallises the personality as far as its susceptibility to the divine call emanating from God is concerned. It ‘kills’ Lily and James and therefore any chance of Harry being born. And as it rises up the spinal column it spreads crystallisation and death as far as the liberating possibilities are concerned. In fact the uppermost chakra, the ‘crown chakra’ is closed off to any possibility of liberation. The Gate of Saturn is closed.

What does our hero Harry do? He comes down the spinal column (J.K. Rowling calls it ‘pipes’) for a totally selfless purpose. Tom Riddle, personifying the Luciferic force in the sacral plexus, sets the giant serpent on to Harry, who demonstrates his loyalty to Dumbledore, symbolising the Gnosis*. This invokes the phoenix that pecks out the Basilisk’s eyes and gives Harry the sword of Godric. Harry kills the Basilisk and then destroys Tom Riddle. The phoenix takes Harry back up the pipes.

This is a very accurate description of the triumph of the New Soul over the old serpent of karma and the power of Lucifer. Once the New Soul has reached a certain stage of maturity, it comes down the spinal column, by means of the sympathetic nerve, affecting the chakras as it goes down. This process takes many years, but if the alchemist persists in his devotion to the New Soul, it will reach the sacral plexus and there will face the heir of Lucifer and the ancient serpent of the kundalini.

There is no will power needed in this, as in occultism. What is needed here is total devotion to the New Soul-force which was born out of the little Tao in the heart. Total loyalty must be shown to the power of liberation. Then the force of the resurrection (the phoenix) will destroy the lethal power of the kundalini and give the New Soul the sword of Christ (Godric - ‘Rich in Godliness’). The New Soul will then engage in a life and death struggle with the serpent of the kundalini. But the result is a foregone conclusion. The New Soul is certain to win, as it is a force from another universe, the Universe where God’s Will rules.

And so there comes a moment in the life of the alchemist when he becomes a Master alchemist. The ancient serpent is dead. The alchemist has broken all fetters with the past. His karma no longer rules his life. His links to world-karma are cut off and the representative of Lucifer is gone.

The severing of the fetters of karma means the total forgiveness of sins. All the mistakes of the past are forgiven. This is what the New Testament means by forgiveness.

The New Soul-force then flows upwards along the sympathetic nervous cord and reaches the pineal centre (Dumbledore’s office), where the enlightenment takes place. In the New Testament that’s called the descent of the Holy Spirit. Jacob Boehme calls it the Light-birth of God. The New Testament also describes this in the Transfiguration of Christ.

J.K. Rowling is able to incorporate these esoteric facts into an exciting story that a child of 5 can understand. I see Isabel Allende has said that J.K. Rowling deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature. But more than that she deserves the Peace Prize. For she is bringing to humanity the ancient alchemical way to reach everlasting peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding.

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