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The Alchemy of JK Rowling

In the light of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross

by Hans Andréa


Chapter 10 - Harry 6

The Seven Trials(2)

The second trial Harry and his friends face is the vicious killer plant, ‘Devil’s Snare’. Before they’re aware of it they’re ensnared by a plant with long, snake-like tendrils. We know from Part 5 that people can easily be strangled by this plant. The more they struggle against the creepers the tighter their hold. The children figure out that what’s needed is to stay calm and think clearly. Hermione remembers that this plant hates light, so she lights a fire. The plant recedes and the children are free.

I think what this can teach us is that the alchemist needs to give the process of liberation his whole, undivided attention so that he can stay calm and figure out what to do. The candidate for liberation is always in danger of being overwhelmed by his emotions. Strong emotions are not conducive to going the Path because then the candidate loses control. They can do harm to the new soul if the candidate allows himself to be carried away by them. The Path is extremely beautiful, and sometimes one can be overwhelmed by the sheer magnificence of it, but as soon as one loses control of one’s emotions they tend to strangle the new soul. The heart of the candidate can be filled with great joy and love for others without being carried away by sentimentality, or by being moved to tears. The candidate must learn to control himself and turn to the light of reason so as not to lose touch with reality, and he must focus on the aim of the Path.

The third trial is to open a locked door. The key is present, but it’s got wings and is flying high up near the ceiling among hundreds of other keys.

It’s important to see in each trial which of the three children solves the problem. If it’s Hermione, it’s the mind of the candidate which solves the problem. If it’s Ron, it’s the old, earthly personality, and if it’s Harry it’s the New, Immortal Soul.

In the case of Cerberus, it was Harry, and therefore the New Soul, who played the flute - the harmonious vibrations of the pure Soul. In the case of Devil’s Snare it was Hermione, and therefore the mind, but she was helped by Ron.

In the case of the flying keys it’s Harry again. He is an extremely good flier and can see things others can’t. His excellent flying obviously symbolises the height of his aspirations. The new soul can fly to great spiritual heights. It also has an extremely keen faculty of discrimination. And so we see that no door can be locked against the new soul. It can open all doors and overcome all barriers.

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